Are you here to be served, or to serve?

My dog Lucy has not learned to fetch yet.  Yes, she’s a Labrador “retriever”.  She absolutely will chase the ball but rather than bring it back for you to throw again, she prefers to play chase.  She gets the ball and we chase her.  Today I was throwing the ball up the stairs hoping itContinue reading “Are you here to be served, or to serve?”

Teach the right stuff

People of my generation or older will recognize the photo above as coming from the Right Stuff.  This was a movie about a real group of men that formed our initial space program.  Because the smallest of mistakes in space can turn into significant problems, NASA sought men of the highest quality to form ourContinue reading “Teach the right stuff”

Jesus uses the bad for His good

Have you ever thought about how many times something happened in the Bible that seemed bad at the time but in the end, God’s Glory is what shone through.  It’s like those old stories that go back and forth between “that was bad luck” to “that was good luck”.  Something it’s about perspective but usuallyContinue reading “Jesus uses the bad for His good”

The wrong and right Christian response to LGBT

We are constantly surrounded by the wrong Christian response to the LGBT movement or community or individual.  I will first point out those wrong responses (and why they are wrong) but then will cover what the true biblical response should be. Wrong response #1: Condemnation and exhile This is the low hanging fruit.  This isContinue reading “The wrong and right Christian response to LGBT”

Taking one for the team

Any real Marvel fan knows this scene.  Private Steve Rogers was the guy very few believed was the answer to America’s new secret weapon program.  He appeared weak and useless.  However when a (fake) grenade was tossed into the mix of his detachment, everyone scattered but him.  Instead he dove onto the grenade ready toContinue reading “Taking one for the team”

Why did Jesus appear when He did?

When you look at the timeline of humanity pictured above, we are somewhere in the middle of that line between Pentecost and Israel Reborn (although some would point to 1947 as that point in time).  But when we consider all that happened in history and all that is yet to happen before the end ofContinue reading “Why did Jesus appear when He did?”

You screwed up… don’t give up

Few Seahawks fans will forget this November day in 2013.  The 7-1 Hawks were to take on the winless Buccaneers on our own turf, yet we somehow fell to a 21-0 deficit before halftime.  It truly seemed like anything that could go wrong, did go wrong.  Had we grown too confident?  Had we under prepared becauseContinue reading “You screwed up… don’t give up”

Relationship, not rituals

The world is filled with people who go through the motions without having the heart behind them.  In fact, we’ve all been there at some point in our lives.  Perhaps at work, you just do what is needed to get through the day.  I’ve seen marriages where someone is physically doing the acts to beContinue reading “Relationship, not rituals”