Why Are There No Women Authors in the Bible?

Today’s “Ask Dad” question: “Why are there no women authors in the bible?” There’s really no single chapter or verse to point to in order to answer this question, but perhaps we can answer the question behind the question. Did God create a distinction of roles between men and women? If so, perhaps that couldContinue reading “Why Are There No Women Authors in the Bible?”

What’s the difference between humans and angels?

Today’s “Ask Dad” question: “What is the difference between humans and angels and mighty angels?” There are really two questions here, the question of angels v mighty angels and the question of humans v angels. Let’s tackle the first question since it’s really easy. There is one place in the Old Testament and one inContinue reading “What’s the difference between humans and angels?”

How did People Live So Long in the Bible?

Today’s “Ask Dad” question: “How did people live so long in the Bible?” When we read the early accounts of human history in the Bible, the first few chapters of Genesis have people living for hundreds of years, many having children well into their hundreds. But this was really only a relatively small section ofContinue reading “How did People Live So Long in the Bible?”