A paradox is not always a paradox

When you read through the Bible, it’s easy to find statements that can seem contradictory or at least paradoxical. However, since the Word of God is without flaw, I know this to be impossible. Anytime I find one of these, I have to dig deeper. One such concept is the seeming contrast between our graceContinue reading “A paradox is not always a paradox”

Jesus emptied Himself…

Philippians 2:5-8 has rather interesting language that can cause quite a debate.  Last night during our small group bible study, these 4 versus really side tracked us for quite a while.  One person finally responded, “Does it really matter?”  My answer is no, but it’s interesting to discuss.  So before I go on, realize thatContinue reading “Jesus emptied Himself…”

Know your enemy series – how we react

I’ve written and talked a lot about knowing your enemy but this is the first on this blog site.  In short (before I get to today’s point), it’s always important to study your enemy and know their tactics.  We do this in military, sports, business, politics all the time.  But when it comes to theContinue reading “Know your enemy series – how we react”

Parable of the “talents”, modernized

This story is interesting enough by itself.  But when you translate the amount given into modern day income, it’s really staggering.  As I summarize the story below I will translate as follows (service worker income / professional income) based on the National Bureau of Labor and Statistic.  Right now the national average for a service workerContinue reading “Parable of the “talents”, modernized”

Is there really such thing as atheism?

There are a lot of things I don’t believe in.  The Easter Bunny, Leprechauns, Vampires, Werewolves, championships in Denver (I had to go there) and Rodents of Unusual Size for example.  If I took enough time, I’d have a very long list I’m sure.  It’s true, I just don’t believe these exist.  I’m fine toContinue reading “Is there really such thing as atheism?”

The crucifixion through the old testament scriptures

It is amazing to go back and read the prophecies of the crucifixion and the specificity of them.  Many of the prophecies come from Psalm 22.  It seems that Jesus, hanging on the cross, wanted to point people to that exact scripture, to remind them of the words of David they had all memorized, toContinue reading “The crucifixion through the old testament scriptures”

Being called to the ministry…

This is probably one of the most confusing and misunderstood concepts that I have personally struggled with for over a decade.  However, I believe God has finally granted me more wisdom and understanding on this (after a 10 year wrestling match with Him on the topic). What does it mean or look like to beContinue reading “Being called to the ministry…”

Teachers to suit their own passions

This verse today just grabbed me. 2 Timothy 4:3-5 For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.  As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfillContinue reading “Teachers to suit their own passions”